A few weeks ago, I downloaded the Papervision 3D engine and made some small demo’s. As a proof of concept I tried to make an arkanoid-like game with Papervision. I think it looks really cool.
[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.bonth.nl/wordpress/imageViewer.swf” width=”400″ height=”300″ fvars=”pad=http://www.bonth.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007-03-11-papervision-arkanoid/ ; aantal=2″ /]
The game was programmed in actionscript 2 so if you add too many elements it will get very slow. It’s about time I start using actionscript 3 to make really cool stuff.
– try the game in new window
– www.papervision3d.org
2 replies on “Papervision game”
You did discover the magic.
Nice job
I love free games! Thank you, I really liked this one.